Oct 23, 2012

Facebook keyboard shortcuts

Microsoft shortcuts has already made our task easier while operating Windows or Office programs, so we all know the importance of shortcuts. At times we get irritated by moving the mouse cursor across the Facebook to go to different pages. It won’t be a problem anymore. Facebook introduced some kool keyboard shortcuts which works across all the popular browsers and intends to ease our Facebook life. They are not standard across all the browsers, so if you keep on changing the browser, you might need to memorize some extra “Keys”.
Try the following working shortcuts today.

Oct 20, 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts For Gmail Users


Keyboard shortcuts help you save time by allowing you to never take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse.

To Turn These Case-Sensitive Shortcuts On Or Off:  

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Settings.
  2. Choose the option next to "Keyboard shortcuts" to turn them on. You can also enable shortcuts automatically by going to

Oct 16, 2012

Make Money With LogoMyWay


Making money online is not as easy as a few of us think of it to be. However, making money on the internet is one of the most searched set of keywords with little variation on Google.Whatever the method you choose, you would still need loads of patience and put in a good amount of time and effort to make yourself successful.

If you are a logo designer or you are interested in logo designing. You can design logo to make money. Designing logo for money is really a golden way for all designers want to make extra cash online. There are many sites on the internet pay for your logo design.

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